more information
purchasing cattle or
to obtain pricing, please

Click here to e-mail us for more info
or call
Allen & Suzanne Perry
1004 Lisa Drive
Austin, Texas 78733
512.423.3797 (Suzanne's cell)
5840 FM 183, Evant, Texas 76525
appreciate your visiting our site!
& Suzanne
Driving Directions:
the Austin Area:
Take Hwy 183 north to Lampasas, or take
Hwy. 71 west to the Hwy. 281 intersection south of Marble Falls;
continue north on Hwy 281 to Lampasas. From Lampasas, travel north
on Hwy. 281 for another 11 miles and take the Izoro cut-off, turning
east on FM 1690. Travel approx. 17miles to the intersection of FM
183 at the old community of Pearl. Turn right on FM 183, continue
past the churches, community center, and the cemetery. Pearl Longhorn
Ranch is the first gate (a double red gate) on your left about 1/4
mile north of the Pearl Cemetery.
the Dallas/Fort Worth/Waco Area:
Take I-35 South to Waco and take the Hwy.84
exit heading west to Gatesville. Travel through Gatesville and continue
heading west on Hwy.84. Go approx.14 miles; turn south on FM 183
at the small community of Purmela. Travel 6 miles south on FM 183.
Pearl Longhorn Ranch will be on your right as you approach the old
Pearl community and cemetery.