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Check out some of our Littlest Longhorns!
Updated photos are shown for each calf on their pedigree pages
so you can watch them as they grow and develop.
Click on any small photo to see more information and udated photos as we have them.

Got Some Pizzazz in Your Pasture?



As the saying goes .. . "Breed for a bull, and hope for a heifer!" Some of these young calves already have significant potential just based on their overall genetic backgrounds. We plan our matings with specific females paired with each sire to produce what we consider as the best in looks, size, color, horn potential, and overall bloodline combinations.

Here are a few of our youngsters that are already "In the Spotlight" and well worth watching closely as they mature because of the value their genetic combinations and overall package can bring to anyone's breeding program.

While we think all of our little Longhorns are top notch, these are some of the offspring from some of our most impressive animals. If you are wanting to build a solid breeding program, here's a closer look at a few of the little super stars that will be shining brightly in the
coming months and years!

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Interested in a purchasing a group of young Longhorn calves
to start your own herd?

We can offer special package pricing on starter herds!
Copyright © 2003-2023 by Pearl Longhorn Ranch. All Rights Reserved.